In this week’s Wednesday Workshop we’re going back to basics and looking at the 12 essential tweaks, fixes and changes you should make to any new WordPress installation.
I suspect that most of our members here at WP Toolkit will be familiar with most, if not all, of these, but I wanted to make sure we’ve got them covered, and in future workshops I can then go on to the more advanced tweaks… 🙂
I’ve listed a summary of the 12 changes below the video so you can check in case you already know them all and don’t need to watch this one. There’s also a link for the pdf version, which includes a checklist that you can print off.
Video Play Time: 14m 43s
Summary of 12 Changes:
1. Delete the default “Admin” user
2. Delete “Hello World” post, page & comment
3. Fix the Permalink structure
4. Setup anti spam with akismet
5. Add Your Theme
6. Delete unused plugins & themes
7. Update the site tagline from “Just another WordPress Site”
8. Ensure Comments Need Approval
9. Update your profile info
10. Check the time settings
11. Setup Your Ping List
12. Add Some Legal Docs
And here’s the link for the pdf download version with the checklist: 12 Essential WP Setup Tweaks